Vegan Gluten Free Toasted Quinoa Snack Balls | © 2017 |

These energy-boosting snack balls of tri-coloured toasted quinoa, pureed dried mango, nuts and oats, are the perfect lunch-box fillers or as a high-energy mid morning treat.

  • 60 g Tri-coloured quinoa, rinsed and drained
  • 80 g Quick oats
  • 30 g Flaked coconut
  • 50 g Dried mango, finely chopped
  • 80 g Creamy almond butter
  • 50 g Maple syrup

  1. Well rinse and drain the quinoa. Place them in a large nonstick skillet in a single layer over medium-high heat, stirring or shaking the pan occasionally, until it is lightly dried out and toasted, about 15 minutes. Set aside to cool.
  2. Place quinoa, quick oats, flaked coconut, and dried mango in a food processor and process to a crumb. Add in almond butter and maple syrup and whiz for 2-3 minutes until the mixture forms a paste.
  3. Roll tablespoonsful of mixture into balls. place on a tray and then refrigerate until firm. | © 2017 |
 | © 2017 |

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