Layered Japanese Cotton Soft Cake 另类日式棉花蛋糕

I must confess that I had no intention to document the trial recipe for this Layered Japanese Cotton Soft Cake 另类日式棉花蛋糕 as I meant to just experiment making other versions of the Japanese Cotton Cheese Cake. My motives were to omit the cheese and butter in the cake and incorporate a homemade blueberry cream in between layer(s) if possible. At the same time, I was hoping to retain the soft texture that's typical of a cotton cheese cake without compromising on taste. Hence, I have to apologise that I did not take any work-in-progress photos as I did not know how the cake would turn out to be. 

What I can provide are my recapitulations of what I did for the cake and the blueberry cream. Bear in mind that I had baked a small cake as experiment. As I wanted my cake to look like a layered cake, I sliced across and assembled to achieve the layers. It is really up to individual's creativity and vision in the assembling. Actually, I do not mind consuming the naked cake as-it-is.  It could be a simple indulgence even without any layerings and cream.


Cake Ingredients :
  • 1 whole large egg (I used 65 gm eggs)
  • 3 large egg yolks (I used 65 gm eggs)
  • 50g full cream milk
  • 40g vegetable oil
  • 50g cake flour
  • 40g castor sugar
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 1/8 tsp cream of tartar

Method :
  1.      Sieve cake flour.
  2.      In a separate bowl, whisk 1 whole egg + 3 egg yolks.
  3.      Stir in milk till even.
  4.      Heat vegetable oil in saucepan at low heat till streaks starts to appear.
  5.      Fold in oil to sieved cake flour and whisk till even.
  6.      Fold in oil batter into wet ingredients.
  7.      Whisk mixture evenly.
  8.      Pre-heat oven to 150C.
  9.      In a mixer, fold in salt, cream of tartar and egg whites.
  10.      Start mixing at low speed. Add sugar slowly.
  11.      Turn mixer to high speed and mix till firm peak.
  12.      Combine egg whites onto egg yolks mixture in 3 batches. Gently fold till even.
  13.      Line baking paper in a smallish square cake tin. 
  14.      Stretch baking paper beyond the edges  for easy dislodgement.
  15.      Gently fold in cake mixture to cake tin.
  16.      Hit the bottom of cake tin on a hard surface few times to remove any air bubbles.
  17.      Send to bake at 150C for 40 to 45 minutes using water bath method.
  18.      Remove from oven. Invert cake to cool on cooling rack.
  19.      Use a bread knife to trim all the sides neatly.

Cream Ingredients :
  • ½ box blueberries (about 20 pcs)
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 50g cream cheese
  • 25g fresh cream (whip cream till fluffy with mixer first) 

Method :
  1.     Add sugar to a saucepan at low-medium heat and allow to caramelized.
  2.     Fold in blueberries and cook till sauce thickens.
  3.     Sieve blueberry sauce to a bowl and allow to cool to room temperature.
  4.     When ready, combine blueberry sauce, cream cheese and whipped cream. 
  5.     Gently fold till even and creamy.
  6.     Chill blueberry cream in refrigerator for 30 minutes before use.

(scroll to bottom of page, click on "Print" or "PDF" icon for printer friendly recipe)

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