Little Christmas Cakes (recipe from my Mom) Mini panes de Pascua
I have other recipes ready but I have not put them because I prefer make Christmas recipes.
It's a Christmas cake my mom always does.
This year she is very tired so I told her I could make it.
The recipe gives for two medium breads, but I made one bread and seven small ones and they were really good and smell delicious.
It is a really ancient recipe that was given her from a friend many years ago.
I garnish them with white glaze and marzipan leaves and candied cherries.
I whish you all my friends a really Merry Christmas !!
1 kilo all purpose flour (or five cups of 200 grams)
250 grams butter
6 eggs
1 cup of white sugar
25 grams fresh yeast
1/2 cup candied fruits
1/2 cup corinto raisins
1/2 cup golden raisins
100 grams chopped waltnuts
1 cup brandy or rum
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon ginger
1/ teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 cup of milk
In a bowl put all the raisins and candied fruits and mix with brandy or rum and let them soak about all night before.
Butter 2 round cake pans. Line bottom- with parchment cut to fit, and butter parchment.
Heat in the microwave 1/2 cup of milk with cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, and ginger. Mix well and heat for a few minutes.
Set aside.
Make a nest with the flour in the cupboard of the table ..
Add the sugar, butter, eggs, fresh yeast (already dissolved in warm water, )mixed and finally add candied fruits and chopped nuts.
Make two balls and put in round mold cake or one big and others litte ones
Finally beat one egg and some milk and brush the cakes before go to oven.
Prehat oven to 180°c (350 F)
Bake about 1 hour and 15 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.
You can decorate with glaze and some candied fruits.
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En español
mini panes de Pascua
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