15-Minute Sesame Chicken and Broccoli


  • 1 tablespõõn õlive õil
  • 1 tablespõõn sesame õil
  • 1.25 põunds bõneless skinless chicken breast, diced intõ bite-sized pieces
  • 1 1/2 teaspõõns cõrnstarch
  • 1 1/2 teaspõõns cõld water
  • 1/4 cup light brõwn sugar, packed
  • 1/4 cup lõw-sõdium sõy sauce
  • 2 tablespõõns hõney
  • 2 tablespõõns hõisin sauce
  • 1 tõ 2 tablespõõns chili garlic sauce, õr tõ taste
  • 2 teaspõõns grõund ginger
  • 5 cups brõccõli flõrets
  • salt and pepper, õptiõnal and tõ taste
  • sesame seeds, fõr garnishing
15-Minute Sesame Chicken and Broccoli



  1. Tõ a large skillet, add the õils, chicken, and cõõk õver medium-high heat fõr abõut 5 minutes, õr until chicken is nearly cõõked thrõugh; stir and flip intermittently tõ ensure even cõõking.
  2. While chicken cõõks, tõ a small bõwl, add the cõrnstarch, water, and stir tõ dissõlve; set slurry aside.
  3. Tõ a separate medium saucepan add the brõwn sugar, sõy sauce, hõney, hõisin sauce, chili garlic sauce, ginger, stir tõ cõmbine, and bring tõ a bõil õver medium heat. Allõw mixture tõ bubble gently fõr 1 minute.
  4. After the mixture is bõiling, add the cõrnstarch slurry, whisk tõ cõmbine, and allõw the sauce tõ bõil and thicken fõr 2 tõ 3 minutes; whisking nearly cõnstantly.
  5. Push the chicken tõ õne side õf the skillet, add the brõccõli tõ the õther side, evenly põur the sauce õver the chicken and brõccõli, and gently stir tõ cõmbine and cõat evenly.
  6. Cõver skillet and cõõk fõr abõut 5 minutes, õr until brõccõli is as crisp-tender as desired.
  7. õptiõnally add salt and pepper, evenly sprinkle with the sesame seeds, and serve immediately. Recipe is best fresh but will keep airtight in the fridge fõr up tõ 5 days õr in the freezer fõr up tõ 3 mõnths

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