Dried Apricots in Cardamom Syrup

You are going to want to make these today!  That way you will be able to enjoy them at the weekend, but in all truth, these delicious apricots get better tasting with each day that passes and they keep in the refrigerator for a very long time.

I had actually made these the week before Christmas and am only now getting to the point where I have the time to show them to you!  They are very simple to make and oh-so-delicious!


A simple syrup is created and infused with green cardamom pods and a vanilla pod. You bruise the cardamom pods first and of course the vanilla needs to be split open.

There is also fresh lemon juice and zest to give even more flavour to the syrup, and I like to add a bit of Limencello liquer, but its completely optional to do that.

Once you have the syrup made you add the dried apricots to it and cook them for just a few minutes, and then leave them for several hours to plump up . . .

Popped into clean and sterile jars, these will keep in the refrigerator for several months.

They make a fabulous light dessert and are also delicious spooned out into fruit nappies and served cold with your breakfast  . . .  or on top of your morning oats. They are also fabulous served with some unsweetened thick Greek yogurt.  Yum yum!!

*Dried Apricots in Cardamom Syrup*
Makes about 2 cups
These are fabulous served cold with dollops of thick plain yogurt, or baked into pies, tarts, crumbles and cakes. 

500ml cold water (2 1/2 cups)
76g caster sugar (1/3 cup)
the juice of 1/2 lemon
the zest of 1/2 lemon
1 TBS Limencello (optional)
10 green cardamom pods, bruised
1 vanilla pod, halved and then split in half lengthwise
250g dried whole apricots (1 2/3 cups)

Place the water, sugar, lemon juice, lemon zest, cardamom pods, vanilla and Limencello (if using) into a medium saucepan.  Bring to the boil and then simmer at a fast simmer for 5 minutes.  Add the apricots and then reduce to the lowest flame and simmer gently for 2 minutes.  Remove from the heat and set aside for five hours to plump up the apricots.  Transfer to sterile jars and store in the refrigerator.  Leave for several days prior to using if possible. Discard the cardamom pods before serving or using.

This is a really delicious way to get in one of your five a day!  I hope you will give them a go.  I do discard the cardamom pods when I serve them so that nobody eats one by mistake. The cardamom and vanilla really infuse the dried fruit with a lovely flavour.  

Note - if you cannot find whole cardamom pods, you may use a quantity of ground cardamom.  I would not use more than 1/2 tsp

Bon Appetit! 

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