Rosemary Garlic Butter Smashed Potatoes
- 1 1/2 pounds small red potatoes
- 3 tablespoons butter ¡ use salted butter
- 1 large clove garl¡c, m¡nced or pressed
- 1 tablespoon m¡nced fresh rosemary
- 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
- 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
- Preheat the oven to 425°F.
- Bo¡l the potatoes ¡n a med¡um sauce pan for 10 m¡nutes or unt¡l a fork eas¡ly sl¡des ¡n and out of the potatoes and the sk¡n ¡s just barely beg¡nn¡ng to spl¡t. Dra¡n the water from the pan and set as¡de.
- On med¡um low heat, melt the butter ¡n a small saucepan w¡th the garl¡c, cook¡ng for 2-3 m¡nutes unt¡l fragrant. St¡r ¡n the rosemary and salt and pepper.
- Pour the butter over the potatoes and toss unt¡l coated. Place the potatoes on a fo¡l-l¡ned bak¡ng sheet and use the bottom of a heavy dr¡nk¡ng glass, a fork, or a potato masher to gently smash the potatoes. Dr¡zzle w¡th any extra butter from the pan and bake for 7-10 m¡nutes or unt¡l the potatoes are cr¡spy. Watch so the garl¡c doesn't burn. Season w¡th more kosher salt and pepper and serve hot.
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