Salted Caramel Drizzle Loaf

I have a fabulous recipe for a Lemon Drizzle Loaf.  You just bang everything into the food processor and blitz it together, scrape it into a pan and bake.  I went to make it yesterday, got everything into the food processor and went to add the lemon curd which is uses and guess what . . .  NO lemon curd in the house.  Oh me oh my!  What to do, what to do . . .

I had recently picked up a jar of Bon Maman Salted Caramel Spread and after a bit of soul searching I decided that it was of somewhat the same consistency as lemon curd and I would use that instead!  The thought actually sounded quite delicious.


And so I went with it, and threw it into the food processor, scraped the batter into my loaf tin, banged it into the oven and then crossed my fingers.

Necessity is often the mother of invention.  It smelled gorgeous when it was baking.  It did take a bit longer than the lemon one to bake, but not a problem really . . .

The Lemon one does have a lemon drizzle topping on top, so while the cake was baking I put my thinking cap back on . . . .

I wanted a drizzle topping that would soak a bit into the cake, with flavours that wouldn't jar too much with the salted caramel . . .

I decided to go with coffee . . .  and so I mixed together a bit of hot coffee, some coffee liqueur, and granulated sugar . . . . it tasted pretty good.  You could use vanilla if you didn't want to use the liqueur.

I brushed this grainy syrup onto the cake as soon as I took it from the oven, and kept spooning it on a little bit at a time, until I had used it all up and it had soaked into the surface of the cake.  It also smelled heavenly!  The end result was incredibly edibly tasty indeed!

*Salted Caramel Drizzle Loaf*
Makes one loaf

I think this is one of the easiest and tastiest cakes in the world to make! You just bang everything into the food processor and blitz it for two minutes and then pour it into your pan. 45 minutes you have a tasty cake to enjoy!  

140g self raising flour (1 cup)
125g softened butter (1/2 cup)
115g  white sugar (scant 2/3 cup)
2 heaping dessertspoons of salted caramel spread
2 large free range eggs
1 1/2 TBS milk
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Drizzle Topping:
60ml hot strong coffee (1/4 cup)
45g granulated sugar (1/4 cup)
1 tsp coffee liqueur (I used Patron XO Cafe)
(Alternately use vanilla)

 Pre-heat the oven to 175*C/about 340*F/gas mark 3. Lightly butter a loaf tin and line it with parchment paper. Butter the paper and set it aside.

Put all the cake ingredients into the food processor and blitz for 2 minutes. Scrape the batter into your prepared loaf tin.

Bake for 30 minutes, or until well risen, nicely browned and a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out clean.

Remove from the oven. Leave in the tin and place on a wire rack to cool.Mix the drizzle topping ingredients together, stirring to blend well. Drizzle over top of the still very warm cake, and let set for a few minutes before removing from the pan to cool completely. (I make sure that I leave a bit of overhang with the parchment paper when I put it into the pan so that I can use it like handles and just lift the cake out when done!)

Cut into slices to serve. 

Some might bemoan the fact that they didn't have any lemon curd in the cupboard, and I will be rectifying that shortly, but in the mean time I am very grateful for the opportunity my lack thereof provided for me to discover something quite, quite tasty!  I think you will be grateful also.  You simply must bake this!  Bon Appetit!

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