Sour Cream Scones


Sour Cream Scones By ShirleyAnn Pearman

Sour Cream Scones By ShirleyAnn Pearman
Sour Cream Scones By ShirleyAnn Pearman

Sour Cream Scones
1 cups flour
1 teaspoons baking powder
1 tablespoon sugar
¼  teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons butter
1 eggs, well beaten
¼  cup sour cream

  1. Preheat the oven to 425°.
  2. Lightly butter a cookie sheet.
  3. Mix the flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt in a large bowl.
  4. Work the butter in with your fingers or a pastry blender until the mixture resembles coarse meal.
  5. Add the eggs and sour cream and stir until blended.
  6. Turn out onto a lightly floured board and knead for about a minute.
  7. Pat or roll the dough about ¾ inch thick and cut into wedges.  Place on the cookie sheet and bake for about 15 minutes.

Sour Cream Scones were made and prepared by Shirley-Ann Pearman
Photography by Shirley-Ann Pearman
For all photos on Sour Cream Scones, please click on the photos to this post here at Facebook.


Scones cream jam.jpg
Scones with jam and clotted cream as commonly eaten in a cream tea
TypeCake or quick bread
Place of originIrelandEnglandScotland
Main ingredientsWheatbarley, or oatmeal
scone is a baked good, usually made of wheat, or oatmeal with baking powder as a leavening agent and baked on sheet pans. A scone is often lightly sweetened and occasionally glazed with egg wash.[1] The scone is a basic component of the cream tea or Devonshire tea. It differs from teacakes and other types of sweets that are made with yeast.
The original scone was round and flat, usually as large as a medium-sized plate. It was made and baked on a griddle (or girdle, in Scots), then cut into triangular sections for serving. Today, many would call the large round cake a bannock, and call the triangles scones. In Scotland, the words are often used interchangeably.[12]
When baking powder became available to the masses, scones began to be the oven-baked, well-leavened items we know today.[13] Modern scones are widely available in British bakeriesgrocery stores, and supermarkets. A 2005 market report estimated the UK scone market to be worth £64m, showing a 9% increase over the previous five years. The increase is partly due to an increasing consumer preference for impulse and convenience foods.[14]
Scones sold commercially are usually round, although some brands are hexagonal as this shape may be tessellated for space efficiency. When prepared at home, they may take various shapes including triangles, rounds and squares.[15] Baking scones at home is often closely tied to heritage baking. They tend to be made using family recipes rather than recipe books, since it is often a family member who holds the "best" and most-treasured recipe.[16]

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