Spaghetti with Roasted Chicken and Shredded Brussels

I love recipes like this one I am showing you today.  Recipes that are composed pretty much from what you have on hand, using up a bit of this and a bit of that. My mother always said that I had the ability to make anything taste good.  I don't know about that, but I do know that this is delicious!

It was a great way of using up some leftover roast chicken from yesterday.  I just like to tear it into bite sized pieces.  I think that tearing it up like that adds interest and texture.


I also had some Brussels sprouts in the vegetable bin that needed using up. I love sprouts any way I can get them.  Here today they are finely shredded.  I think lightly sauteed shredded sprouts can convert any sprout hater into a sprout lover.  They have an almost nutty taste and a buttery texture.

Slivered garlic, cooked just until golden brown in a bit of oil.  Take care not to burn it.  Always remove any green sprouts if they are present.  These can be bitter.  You can still use the rest of the garlic, just get rid of the green.

Plenty of rich and salty Parmesan Cheese and black pepper, with a bit of chicken stock and you have a dish fit for a Queen.  The King in this house doesn't like pasta, so he had something else, but . . .

I thoroughly enjoyed this today.  I don't think you could make leftovers taste much better than this.  I did cut the quantities down by 2/3 so that there was just enough for me, myself and . . .  I!

*Spaghetti with Roasted Chicken and Shredded Brussels*
Serves 4

Leftover roast chicken tossed together with buttery soft shredded Brussels sprouts, whole wheat spaghetti, garlic and cheese.  Amazingly delicious! A great way to use up what's left of your Christmas sprouts and any leftover chicken you might have languishing in the refrigerator. (or a rotisserie chicken) 

A large pot of lightly salted water on the boil
1 1/4 pounds fresh Brussels sprouts, bad leaves discarded, stems intact
2 TBS butter
6 TBS olive oil
2 fat fresh cloves of garlic, peeled and thinly sliced (remove and discard any green shoot if present)
1 pound spaghetti (preferably whole wheat and good quality)
240ml hot good chicken stock (1 cup)
200g cooked chicken (about 1 1/2 cups)
(I like to tear it into chunks)
200g freshly grated Parmesan cheese, plus more to serve (7 ounces)
flaky sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Holding your sprouts by the stem end, carefully cut into thin slices crosswise. The thinner you can cut them the sweeter they will be.  Melt the butter in a large saucepan with 2 TBS of the oil.  When the butter begins to foam, add the sprouts.  Season generously with some flaky sea salt.  Toss to coat with the butter, cover and cook over very low heat, stirring frequently, for about five minutes. Add 60ml (1/4 cup) water and cook overlow heat for a further 10 minutes, just until the sprouts are crispy tender. Remove from the heat and set aside. 

Heat the remaining oil in a large skillet.  Add the sliced garlic and cook until the garlic is golden.   Drain off all but about 1 TBS of the oil and discard.  Stir in the sprouts, and torn chicken and keep warm. 

Cook the pasta until al dente in the boiling salted water.  Using tongs remove the spaghetti to the skillet, tossing to coat it with the sprouts and garlic and oil.  Stir in the grated Parmesan cheese and enough of the hot stock to moisten.  Season to taste with freshly ground black pepper and more salt if required.  Serve hot with more Parmesan cheese for sprinkling over top.

I love it when dishes come together like this.  You could use leftover roast chicken, or a bit of chicken left from a Rotisserie Chicken.  I think it is something you are sure to enjoy!  Bon Appetit! 

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