Strawberry Brownies

 I think about chocolate, and yes, it can be in any form ^^.

Cake, cookies, pancake etc. there are many recipes that I want to make. But to tell you the truth, sometime I can't bake all the thing that I want. Well, I have to ask my family member what they want to eat, and I have to see what is in the fridge. This morning I opened the fridge and found a box of strawberry so it's my mission to use them, haha.
But I want to eat chocolate!, so my best solution is I have to put chocolate and strawberry into one dessert. And this is my answer: Strawberry Brownies, cute individual brownie that topped with strawberry.


Because my sister wanted to eat brownie that has cracked top, and cracked top can be crated by beating until light and fluffy to produce meringue effect. But if you want to make denser and less time consuming brownies, you can just melting the chocolate with butter, add sugar, eggs and flour too, again, it's your brownies, do it the way you like! 

Recipe: Strawberry Brownies
สูตรภาษาไทย: บราวนี่สตรอเบอรี่
Youtube: บราวนี่สตรอเบอรี่, Strawberry Brownies, イチゴブラウニー

Strawberry Brownies
Makes 10 pieces

95 g .................. Unsalted butter
75 g .................. Dark chocolate (70%)
2 ......................... Eggs
160 g .................... Granulated sugar
50 g .................... All purpose flour
............................ Pinch of Salt
80g ..................... Fresh strawberry, cut into pieces

Preheat an oven to 180℃.
Have ready 10 muffin cups.

 Put the chocolate and butter into a microwavable bowl.

Heat in a microwave  (600W) for 1.30 minutes.

 Remove from the microwave and stir until completely melt.
Let it cool for at least 5 minutes before using.

  Beat the egg and salt until foamy, add the sugar gradually.
 Beat until fluffy and light in colour.

 Pour the chocolate and butter mixture into the bowl, and fold to combine.

 Sift the flour into the bowl.

 Fold to combine.

 Pipe into the prepared muffin cups, and place strawberry on top of the brownies.

 Bake for 20 minutes.

Let it cool completely, and refrigerate until firm before removing from the cups.

Strawberry Brownies

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