Rickshaw Rice

When I was much younger and still at school, many moons ago, I collected a series of Better Homes and Gardens Cookery books. It was like a mini encyclopedia of cookery. I used them a lot in my younger years and I still dig them out from time to time. Just because the recipes are old, it doesn't mean that they aren't still useful or delicious. Recipes like this RickShaw Rice which I garnered from the Speedy Skillet Meals book!

Its quick and easy and makes a great use of storecupboard ingredients! Tinned pineapple chunks, rice, peas, chopped tomatoes, and yes . . . spam. But don't worry, if you don't like the idea of using spam you could use chopped ham in its place and it would be every bit as delicious.

You can cook rice from scratch, use leftover cold rice, or use pouches of ready cooked rice. I used a pouch of brown basamati rice, and it worked very well.

I used fresh peas from the garden. They were beautiful in this.

The original recipe didn't call for green pepper, but I felt it would make a tasty addition, and it did. I also used fresh dill weed from the garden, instead of dried.

I didn't have any cherry tomatoes, so I used an equivalent amount of larger tomatoes, chopped. They worked beautifully as well. You don't really cook the tomatoes, they are basically just heated through.

A bit of sour cream stirred in at the end adds another layer of delicious flavour. Altogethe, this simple and tasty dish went down a real treat!

*Rickshaw Rice*
Serves 4 1 small green bell pepper, trimmed and finely chopped
320g of cooked brown rice (2 cups0
Cook, simmering, until the peas are tender, about 4 to 5 minutes. Stir in the tomatoes and sour cream. Cover and simmer just until the tomatoes are heated through, about 2 minutes longer. Season to taste with salt and black pepper and serve. Delicious!
This was delicious! Economical, colourful and simple to make!
Bon Appetit!
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