Bermuda Stick Candy

Bermuda Stick Candy


Bermuda Stick Candy

Boil together 3 cups sugar and 1 cup water until the syrup begins to rope.  Pour into a large flat platter; when cool enough to handle, pull, and while pulling put in the peppermint flavouring.  Continue pulling until it becomes quite stiff.  Twist into long ropes, lay on bread board and cut into desired lengths. 

Mrs. Kathleen Swan 
Bermuda's Best Recipes
Fourteenth Edition
Printed in the year of 1991
Chapter:  Candy - Page 179

I made this into a smaller portion, but kept it at its same ratio portions as Grandma Mi did in the recipe presented in the CookBook.   Kathleen Swan was my great grandmother and we called her "Mi", my mother's grandmother.   As a child I remember her making this recipe on many occasions and sharing it with the neighborhood kids.  She also, always was making Caramel Popcorn.

This is the breakdown of the portions to which I used in these photos of making it.  The method remains the same.  I didn't have peppermint flavouring in my pantry, so, therefore I used clear vanilla to which I had.


3/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup water
1/8 teaspoon vanilla (optional)

Thank you Bermuda's Best Recipe for sharing this recipe in the Cookbook, because I can treasure it as a family historical memory to someone of my family.

The Bermuda Stick Candy was made by ShirleyAnn Pearman, and picture photography also by ShirleyAnn done in October 2018.

These photos were take on my Mobile phone through the access of Facebook.


These photos were take with my Amazon Fire.

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