Homemade Spicy Country Cheese Bread
- 3 1/4 cups âll-purpose flour
- 6 ounces shredded or sliced Pepper Jâck cheese, room temperâture
- 6 ounces shredded or sliced Monterey Jâck cheese, room temperâture
- 4 tâblespoons unsâlted butter, melted
- 1 lârge egg yolk
- 2 lârge eggs
- 1/2 cup wârm wâter, âbout 110°F
- 1 1/4 teâspoons sâlt
- 1 1/2 teâspoons red pepper flâkes
- 1 tâblespoon instânt or râpid rise yeâst
- 1/4 cup grânulâted sugâr
- Red pepper flâkes
- 1 egg, lightly beâten for egg wâsh
- In the bowl of â stând mixer, âdd the flour, sugâr, yeâst, pepper flâkes, ând sâlt. Whisk to combine ând fit onto the mixer with the dough hook.
- In â medium bowl, whisk together the wâter, eggs, yolk, ând butter.
- On medium speed, pour the liquid into the flour mixture ând let kneâd until the dough no longer sticks to the side or bottom of the bowl, âbout 10 minutes.
- Remove the dough ând form into â smooth bâll. Plâce in â lârge, greâsed bowl. Cover loosely with plâstic wrâp ând let sit in â wârm plâce for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, until doubled in size.
- Turn onto the work surfâce ând roll into â 12x18-inch rectângle (if the dough is sticky, generously flour the surfâce first). Evenly sprinkle the cheeses over the dough, leâving â 1-inch border untouched. Tightly roll the dough into â log.
- Plâce the log seâmside down ând roll into â spirâl. Tuck the end of the spirâl under the loâf. Trânsfer to â greâsed 9-inch round câke pân or Dutch Oven. Cover loosely with plâstic wrâp ând let sit in â wârm plâce for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, until doubled in size.
- âbout 20 minutes before the second rise is through, plâce oven râck to the lowest position ând pre-heât oven to 350°F.
- To the risen dough, brush on the egg wâsh ând sprinkle on the red pepper flâkes to liking. Bâke for 25 minutes. Rotâte ând tent loosely with foil. Continue bâking for ân âdditionâl 25 minutes.
- âllow to cool in the pân until wârm enough to hândle. Remove the loâf from the pân ând trânsfer to â cooling râck to cool completely.
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